Crossing. Countdown

by loekenhoff (comments: 1)

“Crossing“ : Kunstprojekt für neue Lebensstrategien

To start a lively exchange in this blog I am interested in your questions you have in my artistic research project.
The starting point of my work is the experience, that many problems caused by "globalization" can be dued to an experience of separation. Thus, my project is also about liberating art spaces from distorting eurocentrism and virtualization. It would be wonderful if you could explain here your thoughts about necessary changes of social structures through art.
It is the aim of the project to show that cultural life/ - survive can be redefined and made possible through exchange rather than demarcation.I would be very glad if you would expend the following questions, so that we are able to work together on a renovation of life strategies.

Here are the questions that I prepared for my interviews with international artists first in Iceland and Finland:
1- Which methods could you develop through your art to connect with the world/environment?
2- Do you believe that we can apply methods of art in life?
3- What potential has artistic action today for the individual lifestyle
    and in relation to the current social situation?
4- What is necessary to enable renewing, saving impulses in view of the current situation?
5- Does an artist have a certain responsibility for the world because of his possibilities and
6- What are the opportunities of the present?
7- What is our biggest danger?
8- How can an artist avoid becoming irresponsible or destructive within human life by focusing on
   his work? Does he have to?
9- Do you have a mission?
10- What made you develop your work?
11- Which actions strengthen people who want to develop in the world of art?

Please add your own ideas!

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Comment by Enrique Azocar |

re 11: The key is to ask great questions that people are excited to answer and then listen attentively. Instead of making small talk, ask deeper questions when you first meet someone, like “What is the most exciting thing you’re working on right now?” or “If you had enough money to retire, what would you be doing today?” This gets people to quickly open up. Just saying.